Providing Quality Hearing Healthcare to Enrich Your Quality of Life


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Full Hearing Evaluation and Report 

This includes an extensive case history, Otoscopic Examination, Tympanometry, Puretone Air and Bone Conduction, Speech Audiometry and a comprehensive report of the findings.

Care and Maintenance of your Hearing Instruments 

Hearing instruments require regular maintenance. We encourage complimentary 6 month follow up maintenance and/or adjustment appointments. We work with all major manufacturers so we can offer the best technology suited to the individual needs of our clients. Our services include the fitting of new digital hearing aids, reprogramming, maintenance checks, aural rehabilitation and REM verification of the new digital hearing aids.

Cerumen (wax) Management 

We have certified Specialists to provide cerumen removal services.

It is important that you get your ear canals checked and cleaned on a regular basis in order to avoid future maintenance problems with your hearing aids.

Insurance and Service Provider 

We work with and or are registered providers with each of; Ontario Assistive Devices Program (ADP), Department of Veterans Affairs (DVA), Workplace Safety and Insurance Board (WSIB), Department of National Defence and Canadian Forces, First Nations and Inuit Health Benefits (NIHB), Ontario Disability Support Program (ODSP), Ontario Works (OW).